Virgin Fairy Tale Trail
The fairytale trail is 4 km long and runs along forest and asphalt roads around the village of Panenská (7 km from Jemnice). You will meet here with various fairy-tale characters and experience magical adventures. A small, responsive, inquisitive and playful human being will show you round eleven stops. The trail is accessible all year round and is free of charge.
Maps and handouts needed to fulfill the tasks on the route is available free at the Tourist Information Centre in Jemnice. You can also pick it up directly at the first stop of the trail. It is placed on the information board in the plastic infobox. For more information see or HASTRMAN EKOSTEZKA PANENSKÁ (WATER GOBLIN VIRGIN ECOTRACK) Short trail (200 m) focused on the environment around us. The track consists of 9 stops and ends with eco-maze. The track is accessible all year round and the entrance to the trail is free. For more information see